Day 1: What is DevOps?


2 min read

#90DaysodDevops Challange


5G Devops | Devops in telecom industry | Agile networks

What is DevOps and Why it is Important?

DevOps is the combination of (Dev)Development and (Ops)Operations. It is a process of improving the application/scripting delivery by ensuring there is proper automation with quality maintenance, continuous monitoring and continuous testing.

Devops is important to improve the process of delivery.

Why all the buzz around DevOps in the Digital Era? - iTech

If Someone has written a piece of code in a development environment (laptop) and the DevOps engineer's responsibility is to move this code to its destination (Customer). There will be tools to manage certain tasks, automation to save time and manual errors and infrastructure to create. Monitoring and alerting to build confidence.

What is Automation?

Automation is the process of automating a single manual task or a set of related, repeatable tasks

What is Scaling?

Scaling is a feature that allows you to scale the resources. The system’s capacity to expand from its existing configuration to handle the rising workload is termed Scalability.

Types of Scaling:

1) Horizontal scaling

Horizontal Scaling is an approach to enhance the performance of the server node by adding new instances of the server to the existing servers to distribute the workload equally. Horizontal Scaling caters to portioning of the data where each node contains a single part of the data.

2) Vertical scaling

Vertical Scaling is defined as increasing a single machine’s capacity with the rising resources in the same logical server or unit. Vertical Scaling involves adding resources like processing power, storage, and memory to the existing hardware or software, enhancing the system’s capacity.

What is Infrastructure?

Infrastructure is viewed as code that can be managed and maintained through the use of automation and configuration management tools. This means that rather than manually configuring and maintaining infrastructure, the infrastructure can be defined and managed using code and automation tools. This enables the infrastructure to be treated in the same way as the application code, with the ability to version control, test, and deploy infrastructure changes alongside application code changes. Managing infrastructure in this way can help to improve the reliability, scalability, and security of the infrastructure.

Thank you for reading.
